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Why these 20 Skills are Compulsory in Super Kids !
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Intelligence? Memory? A higher IQ? What Makes a Child Genius ?

Experts agree that no one’s born a genius but parents can help develop traits to fuel a kids’ obsession. Practice will make kids perfect..!

How can parents do it?

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(Approved Methods by Scholar Teachers and Parents)

Parents understand that the best way to improve their childs academic performance is to practice key learning skills. But most of the practice sessions are tedious. Thats where attractive and colorful printable worksheets come in handy.

Children will fall in love with 20+ fun characters. Easy to take a print, colorful, attractive, engaging and fun filled.

Lots of fun involved in connecting the dots, coloring, maze game, find the odd one out and much more..

Try once to know it better!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Education Landscape can be overwhelming.

There is an ocean of knowledge to be explored.

Parents know that relying solely on the formal education system is not enough.

Few questions parents keep on thinking for the overall development of their child -

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Premium eBook Bundle

What is Premium E-Book bundle ?

Premium E-Book Bundle is an activity based printable worksheets where kids can practice, develop and retain skills 47 times more.

How it will help you ?

Find out which activities are perfect for the children you teach and save time in planning, fun and engaging lessons.

How it will help you ?

What is the alphabet, and why should our kids learn it?

The alphabet is nothing more than a set of letters and sounds. Most of us can’t recall a time when we didn’t know our letters, so worrying about how to teach it to our children seems ludicrous.

The ABCs, on the other hand, are the fundamentals of language. Our children must be able to recognise each letter, both in sequence and out of order, as well as the sounds associated with every letter, in order to become literate. Once a child has such understanding, he or she is well on their way to learning to read and write.

Early in a child’s existence, he or she should begin learning the alphabet. While some youngsters wait until they start school to learn their alphabet, this is not encouraged. In reality, children should be well on their way to mastering the alphabet by preschool age, and should be introduced to the letters at the very least by the age of three.

  • Begin with the basics. Do not try to teach all 26 letters at the same time.
  • Simply focus on a few letters at a time and give your child multiple opportunities to see, hear, and experience that letter.
  • Remember that toddlers learn via their senses, so while alphabet books can be a useful learning tool, you should teach the ABCs through a variety of methods.
  • Purchase or build 3D letters for youngsters to experience, and let them to construct letters with play dough.
  • Alphabet colouring activities and crafts can also aid your child strengthen his or her letter recognition.
  • The most crucial teaching tip is to have fun with it. Make it a game for your child, and he or she will enjoy learning with and from you.

Because the alphabet is the foundation of literacy, children must learn to recognise and name the letters, both in and out of sequence, as well as the sounds that each letter represents.

What is number recognition?

The ability to recognise, perceive, and label the most fundamental digits – the numbers – is referred to as number recognition capability. Despite its broad appearance, number recognition can be broken down into smaller groups of concepts and skills. These can include things like determining the correct object count, connecting the correct numbers to the object count, and determining the correct count nomenclature.


  • The basic counting language – This technique teaches number nomenclature, introduces the kid to the world of numbers, and also counts the quantity present in various cultures.
  • The complete counting process – This method insists on having the children name all of the numbers in the correct order, from any starting point, in all directions – forwards and backwards. Furthermore, this technique gradually develops a knowledge of what a sequence is and how all of the world’s numbers are simply different combinations of the same digits, starting from zero to one. As a result, the goal of this strategy is to get the youngster to see the number as a specific order of digits and to compare patterns among a variety of them.

Other Methods 

  • Activities (Worksheets): Learning is usually more joyful when it is enjoyable. The modern world offers a variety of opportunities for fun-filled learning, both offline and online, through a variety of activities. Offline activities like as songs and rhymes with numbers, flashcards, and everyday counting can help youngsters break up the monotony and boredom of learning and develop interaction and fun. Check out these activities to help you improve your number identification skills. 
  • Games: Playing with numbers is both entertaining and intriguing. At the same time, the youngster can readily distinguish each number. Number recognition is taught through games that incorporate patterns, shapes, and measurements, among other things. It would also be the highlight of their childhood.
  • Apps: There are numerous applications on playstore and Appstore that are helpful in building the foundation of numbers in the best way.

It’s exciting to see your child point to a firetruck and shout “wed!” (aka “red”), or grab a puzzle piece and try to say “triangle.” Learning colours and shapes, on the other hand, isn’t only fun (or cute); it’s also a foundation for other essential things to come.

Colors & Shapes – The Groundwork of Other Skills

  • Understands Maths: Your child is learning her first geometry lessons when she nests things, builds with blocks, and solves puzzles. These and other geometric concepts, such as shape, size, space, and position, are taught to her through these and other shape exercises.
  • Sort & Classification: Learning shapes and colours encourages youngsters to consider the characteristics of items and draw comparisons and contrasts. This is a type of early math that also aids in the development of logical thinking, which is necessary for problem solving, science class, and (eventually) sorting laundry or putting groceries away in the kitchen!
  • Learn letters and numbers: When you look at the letters A, O, and W, what do you see? Alternatively, how about the numerals 0, 3, or 7? Shapes, to be precise. Learning about circles, triangles, and squares prepares your child to recognise letters and numbers in the (not-too-distant) future. She will be better prepared to write shapes once she has learned to draw them. Shape games with patterns also aid in the development of pre-reading skills.
  • Descriptive vocabulary: Shapes and colours rapidly become staples in your child’s lexicon, allowing her to describe what she sees (I see a yellow flower), wants (I want the square cookie), and thoughts (I can put the triangle block on top of the square block). This vocabulary is also used in receptive language abilities, such as following orders (please pass me the green crayon).
  • Visual Discrimination: Shapes and colours make up the world. When your child associates them with familiar objects, it helps her scan her environment more efficiently by filtering out irrelevant information. If she’s looking for a banana in a basket of toy fruits, she can easily locate it by disregarding everything that isn’t yellow.

After a lengthy period of neglect in education, it appears that emphasis to teaching handwriting in the primary grades is returning. Many children, particularly those with learning disabilities (LDs) requiring handwriting, which can occur alongside reading impairments, writing disabilities, nonverbal learning disabilities, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can benefit from this attention. Many children may benefit from a small amount of training time in the early grades — kindergarten and grade one — to help them avoid later writing issues.

How To Assess Handwriting

  • Execution: Correct and consistent pencil hold, posture, and letter formation are all part of the execution process. Counterproductive habits in these areas aren’t usually visible from just glancing at writing samples, and they can stymie handwriting improvement significantly. Young children, for example, may “draw” the letter m using different strokes beginning on the right side of the letter. Forming the letter on the left side of the page without lifting the pencil from the paper is far more favourable to increasing future writing speed.
  • Legibility: The readability of letters, as well as the spacing inside and between words, are all factors in legibility.
  • Speed: As children progress beyond the first few grades, speed becomes more crucial in order for them to be able to use writing effectively in a range of tasks.

How To Teach Handwriting

  • If feasible, teach toddlers how to make letters in a consistent manner by utilising a continuous stroke.
  • Prioritise mastering the motor pattern over ideal legibility or size at first.
  • Teach similar-looking letters together, and follow an instructional schedule that considers both ease of formation and word frequency.
  • Reversible letters, such as b and d, should be separated.
  • To assist children remember how to make letters, use printed arrow prompts.
  • Integrate handwriting teaching with letter sound instruction for youngsters in the early stages of reading and spelling.
  • Explicitly teach connections between letters as well as the construction of single letters while teaching cursive.
  • Aim for both speed and legibility.

Drawing is one of the few things that comes effortlessly to young children. Whether your youngster uses chalk on the sidewalk or crayons on printer paper to create art, he or she is sure to love the process. Drawing, like other forms of expression such as dance and storytelling, has a number of developmental advantages.

1. Develops Fine Motor Skills

Any specialised movement of the hands, wrists, and fingers is referred to as fine motor abilities. One of the most effective ways to strengthen a child’s fine motor abilities is to have them hold and use writing implements.

2. Encourages Visual Analysis

Some ideas that you may take for granted, such as distance, size comparison, and textural contrasts, are not yet understood by young toddlers. Allowing a youngster to draw certain elements, especially in connection to one another, can aid in basic visual analysis of everyday surroundings.

3. Helps Establish Concentration

Because most youngsters enjoy drawing, this exercise allows them to practise concentration. Learning how to pay attention to little details, concentrate on a specific goal, and practise difficult tasks will help your child mature.

4. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

Drawing helps your child make connections between what he or she sees and what he or she does, in addition to boosting fine motor skills. In sports and recreational circumstances, hand-eye coordination is crucial. Have your youngster draw an object while staring at it or replicate a drawing you did to improve hand-eye coordination.

5. Increases Individual Confidence

Your youngster will acquire confidence when he or she gets the opportunity to make concrete representations of his or her imagination, thoughts, and experiences. Your youngster will sense greater internal motivation, self-worth, and validity if he or she draws.

6. Teaches Creative Problem Solving

Drawing allows your youngster to tackle difficulties creatively, in addition to visual analysis and focus. When your child draws, he or she must figure out how to connect body parts, represent emotions, and depict specific textures.

Dot-to-dots are a terrific instructive and entertaining activity. There are numerous advantages to completing a dot-to-dot:


Dot-to-dot work teaches children number order and aids with counting. Small children may require assistance, but as they get older, completing a dot-to-dot puzzle on their own is a fantastic confidence booster.

Hand-Eye Co-Ordination

Dot-to-dot games are great for honing your hand-eye coordination. Completing a dot-to-dot requires a great deal of concentration! Dot-to-dot work helps to build visual motor control.


Dot-to-dot activities are a great way to enhance handwriting abilities and are a great way to prepare students for writing. Children learn how to draw shapes, focus their pencils, and apply the appropriate amount of pressure to the paper.

Fine Motor Skills

Dot-to-dot exercises are an excellent technique to prepare your hand and finger muscles for writing. Early childhood is the best period to help develop important muscles that we will need throughout our lives. While doing dot-to-dot, children can focus on grasping their pencil and strengthening their hands.

Other Skills

Working on dot-to-dot drawings improves concentration and attention. Completing a dot-to-dot drawing is a fun method to demonstrate the advantages of hard work.

Color by number activities are more advanced and provide increased learning possibilities, according to research. While colouring on its own can lead to a range of educational lessons, colour by number activities are more advanced and provide enhanced learning chances.

Hand-Eye Coordination

Basic hand-eye coordination skills are required for colouring, and colour by number sheets require intense focus as children match the number on the page to the colour they need to use. These colouring diagrams will force youngsters to colour with a predetermined colour within certain sections, and keeping the colour within a defined area will aid in the development of hand and eye coordination.

Number & Color Identification

To choose which colour to use in each area, your kid will learn to recognise and identify numbers and match them to the numbers used to label the crayons, paints, or markers. While this can aid in fundamental color-by-number addition and math abilities, it can also be beneficial in exposing your youngster to a variety of colours.

Focus & Concentration

Coloring activities will need your child to focus not only on the movement of his crayon, but also on the result of his colouring on his paper, as well as ensuring that he is selecting the colour that appropriately corresponds to the allocated number.

Self Regulation

Traditional colouring pages allow your child to work at his own pace to complete his artwork as quickly as he wants, so neatness and quality of the final product aren’t a concern. Color-by-number worksheets necessitate a greater level of patience and self-control. In order to complete the project successfully, you must ensure that your child selects the correct colour that matches to the number listed on the page.

Language Development

Art projects allow young children to learn words for shapes, activities, and colours, which helps them develop their language skills. Your child can use descriptive words to describe what he is making and the feelings that his artwork has generated by completing a colouring activity.

Mazes are developed and made available to children in a variety of patterns, drawings, and designs in order to entice them to become addicted to them.

Cognitive Skills

It encourages children to think, reason, and recall as they solve problems. Simultaneously achieving all of these sharpens their memory, improves their focus, and greatly increases their mental concentration.

Motor Skills

Mazes demand children to find the correct path through the labyrinth passages without striking their pencils on the maze passages’ walls. They must take their time with the strokes and not rush through the challenge. As a result, their motor skills are at work to keep them from colliding with the black lines.

Visual Skills

Children plan out their movements before they begin. They naturally scan the maze circuit with their eyes to figure out how to proceed. This increases their visual power and their ability to examine complex environments and triumphantly emerge from them.

Hand-Eye Coordination

Children must be very careful and accurate while concentrating painstakingly with their wits and working with their little fingers to discover the track in the mazes without touching the black lines. This is only possible if the youngster has exceptional hand-eye coordination, which improves with practise.

Better Problem Solvers

To solve mazes, children invent their own ways. It’s up to them whether they work backwards from the final point or discover their way from the beginning. Mazes also enable students to become better problem solvers by teaching them how to deal with difficult situations.


It teaches kids the value of perseverance, that they must stick it out and not give up, that patience will pay off, and that their actual hard effort will never be in vain.


A child who completes an easier or a more difficult maze, regardless of difficulty, feels proud and accomplished, and it motivates them to do more and better the next time.

One-to-one correspondence, or the idea that each number corresponds to a real thing, is a difficult talent to master. When children are counting, they do not understand that each number must be attributed to an actual thing, and while they may point to objects as they count, their counting will be out of rhythm with their finger.

How to use counting worksheets ?

  • Make a point of approaching the workbooks with zeal and interest. Many of us have terrible memories of schoolwork — shove those memories to the back of your mind!
  • It’s a good idea to start with the first (and easiest) page and show your child how to count the things. Do this slowly and clearly, ensuring that you point to each object. To give your youngster more practise counting concrete items, you may choose to cut the individual objects out at first.
  • Depending on how quickly your child learns it up, you could want to let them try it on their own, or encourage them to count along with you.
  • If your youngster has trouble counting, it’s critical that you don’t exhibit any irritation or disappointment. Continue to make it a delightful, enjoyable experience for them – and if they still don’t get it, put the worksheets away and try again another day. If your child feels pressed or has disappointed you, they will immediately begin to detest the exercises – and counting in general – which is the exact opposite of what you want!


  • Counting is an evident and fundamental mathematical skill in and of itself.
  • Using these worksheets to practise can improve a child’s ability to “subitize,” or know how many objects are in a small group without having to count them. This ability allows you to count faster, which is a big advantage in mathematics.
  • Counting accurately is a prerequisite for the next steps of numeracy, addition and subtraction. Board games, particularly those using dice, can be a fun way to start this next step; one game we’ve had a lot of success with is snakes and ladders.

This surprisingly easy sport has numerous advantages for kids:

  • Aids in the development of visual discrimination
  • It aids in the learning of letters by children
  • It expands your vocabulary
  • Builds a foundation for early math skills

Visual Discrimination

The capacity to distinguish between objects or symbols is known as visual discrimination. Colors, forms, sizes, and orientations are used to distinguish distinctions.

When it comes to distinguishing details in images and things, young infants frequently rely on colours. Because the shadow contains no other details, children are forced to evaluate the shapes of objects while shadow matching.

Learning to recognise letters and numbers requires the ability to discern between distinct shapes. The key distinctive aspect is the way each letter is formed, or its shape. Children cannot learn their letters by relying on colours or other characteristics.

Visual Discrimination Challenges

When the brain struggles to understand and provide meaning to sensory data, visual discrimination and perception problems arise. This can occur on its own or in conjunction with a sensory processing problem.

Visual discrimination and perception issues occur when the brain is struggling to interpret and give meaning to sensory input. This can happen on its own or as part of a sensory processing disorder.

The visual system is also influenced by the vestibular system, core/shoulder strength, and posture. Working on these areas could help with visual processing as well.

Signs your child struggles with visual discrimination include:

  • Copying words from a whiteboard or a book is difficult (or takes a long time)
  • Visual acuity-demanding tasks are avoided or difficult for him. Puzzles, mazes, word searches, and “spot the difference” activities, for example
  • When reading or writing, reverses letters or words
  • Doesn’t distinguish between letters and numerals that are similar. For example, mixing up a 1 with a l or a R with a B. Learning the alphabet may also be a challenge.
  • They have a reading level that is below what is developmentally appropriate for their age.

Extra experience doing tasks that require visual acuity may assist children with visual discriminating issues enhance those skills over time. The shadow matching exercises come into play here.

Have you ever observed your little toddler sorting objects on their own? Sorting exercises are popular with kids, and many of them will sort automatically based on attributes and characteristics they detect without being instructed.

Sorting and classifying activities help children develop a variety of thinking skills and lay the groundwork for later problem solving. The capacity to notice patterns, relationships, similarities, and differences, as well as the visual memory and judgement required, aids children in learning about early numerical representation and problem-solving.

Development Sequence of Understanding

  • Identifying & Describing attributes: Children must be able to recognise the characteristics of a certain thing. They must acquire the vocabulary that will allow them to communicate their thoughts. They must be vigilant and able to detect small things.
  • Matching: In this case, the youngsters are concentrating on the similarity of a trait. Children must be able to explain why they are matching certain items. Children’s cognitive skills are nourished through matching.
  • Sorting: Children take it a step further than matching by grouping objects based on one or more attributes. Sorting necessitates a number of distinct considerations. Higher order thinking is exemplified by the ability to sort using two or more attributes.
  • Comparing: Children make a choice based on how much of a particular attribute two items share. Children are tasked with determining which object has more or less of a particular attribute. Children’s comparison description vocabulary grows. They also learn that comparing is situation-dependent, and that an object’s description might alter based on what it’s being compared with. Children learn to use “er” words such as “larger,” “darker,” and so on.
  • Ordering: Only until youngsters are able to recognise and explain attributes, detect discrepancies, and make comparisons will they be able to place orders. Organizing things according to increasing or decreasing amounts of an attribute is known as ordering. Words with the suffix “est” are commonly used by children, such as “largest” and “darkest.”

Kids can be trained to learn precision from a young age. The game of looking for differences in photos that are nearly identical, often known as spot the difference worksheets, is one that is frequently featured in publications and books for children. One of the objectives of this game is to train children’s eyes to be more vigilant and patient when looking for differences in photos.

Spot the difference worksheets are a fun way to learn something new. This game is just as interesting and entertaining when performed on paper printouts, with the child scribbling on sections that aren’t the same.

Right Brain Training

The right brain, as we all know, is responsible for honing creativity, imagination, and imagery abilities. The right brain will be moved in the game when looking for differences that are visualised through images. 

Make Kids more Sensitive

Many things are similar but not identical in reality. Kids are taught to be more sensitive to differences through games that include detecting distinctions.


This game may not appeal to all children. Because spotting differences in almost identical images necessitates perseverance. Is it possible for youngsters to stay patient while doing this? You’ll find out. 

Speed of Seeing

 When you find one point of difference, your child may be inspired to look for others. Encourage them to look for other differences. Perhaps, in addition to being sensitive, your child’s eyes can swiftly locate.

Learns Accuracy

Accuracy can be taught to children as early as kindergarten. One of them discovered a distinction through the game, and children can be encouraged to develop precision while playing. Learning precision will come in handy when kids are faced with school exam questions, and they will become more critical of everything later on.

This entertaining game is educational for a variety of reasons, and your children will like it.

Critical Thinking

Kids go deep into their knowledge of patterns, word meanings, linguistic rules, distinctions, and parallels while playing odd one out. They develop sorting skills by recognising how objects are grouped together by a characteristic (all are vehicles, all are round, all can be eaten, etc.) and how to spot an item that does not share the characteristic.


When playing this game orally, children must pay close attention to the words spoken by the leader. They should also pay attention to any additional instructions, such as “Tell me which word is unusual and does not rhyme with the others.” Early childhood is critical for learning to listen, and playing games (such as musical statues or broken telephone) is one of the finest methods to do so.


This is a fantastic method to expand their vocabulary. Children may learn new words or rehearse those they have already encountered. Play a game with seasonal language such as “fall,” “autumn,” “summer,” and “rain,” for example. Explain that “fall” and “autumn” are different names for the same season; “rain” is not a season like the others because it has nothing to do with weather.

Phonological Awareness / Pre-Reading

Allow your children to practise listening for words that rhyme as well as differentiating words with similar beginning sounds (alliteration). They can practise letter-sound correspondence in written words by looking at words and listening to pronunciations. 

Attention / Focus

Playing entertaining games of any kind will help your youngster develop their attention span. Kids must filter out other distractions while playing odd one out, such as background music or the sight of fish swimming in a nearby aquarium.

Speech / Oral Language

When kids play the odd one out game, they get to hear the words and learn how to pronounce them. They get the opportunity to practise saying the phrase out loud as well. 


  • Children will be better able to match letters and sounds if they learn matching skills in preschool.
  • It is critical for cognitive abilities and ability to be able to match items and explain why they go together.
  • Children practise visual discrimination, become familiar with one-dimensional print, and learn to connect real objects to print by matching objects to illustrations. All of them are crucial pre-reading abilities.
  • Language, focus, and memory are all aided by matching games. Dyslexia and working memory have been linked in studies. We must remember each sound segment, put them together, and recall what they look like in order to learn new words. To accomplish so, you’ll need a strong working memory.
  • Visual discrimination requires matching skills. Matching skills are used by children to determine if two words or letters are the same or different. Children benefit from learning to match shapes and patterns as they learn to recognise letters and later words.

Adult Role

  • By incorporating print into your setting’s environment, you can aid youngsters in developing matching abilities. Children can look in the print around them to see if they can discover another example of a word or letter. This will not only help youngsters improve their matching skills, but it will also make them more conscious of the print in their environment.
  • Encourage youngsters to match objects, pictures, sounds, and words through a variety of activities.
  • Make sure that the activities are appropriate for the children’s age and that they have enough time to assimilate the material.
  • Provide calm locations where kids can do these activities without being distracted by noise.
  • When reading with youngsters, use large print books or worksheets and point to the words as you read.

Patterns are ingrained in our culture; they may be found in music, art, nature, arithmetic, and almost anywhere else. Recognizing, identifying, extending, and creating patterns is a crucial skill that helps set the groundwork for advanced math abilities. You can teach your youngster about patterns in a variety of fun ways.


  • By practising these fun games that demand problem-solving and critical thinking skills, your child will learn to employ logic.
  • These activities are intended to help your youngster learn and grasp patterns and sequencing in a fun and engaging way.
  • Children’s comprehension of basic math concepts is reinforced through pattern identification activities.
  • These are exercises that assist your youngster learn basic shapes, symbols, and colours while also laying the framework for logical thinking.
  • The abilities that your child acquires here can be applied in a variety of situations.

Fine motor abilities can be practised with Cut & Glue activities. They’re ideal for cutting with scissors. Using scissors to develop fine motor skills will help to strengthen the muscles in your child’s hands and fingers, enhance hand-eye coordination, and promote bilateral coordination.

These activities are ideal for children between the ages of three and five. Children learn to cut and paste at this age, and they begin to strengthen their hand muscles in preparation for later activities such as writing, which need fine motor skills.

We recommend using scissors with a blunt point that are sharp enough to cut the paper rather than just fold it. Apart from utilising a safe material, it is critical to explain and reiterate basic regulations, as safety is paramount and working with scissors can be dangerous.


  • Ability to improve fine motor skills.
  • Improvement in the capacity to hold objects such as pencils, markers, toothbrushes, and other similar items.
  • Creativity and artistic abilities are developed. 

Why is it vital for our children to learn to spell when we have spell-checkers on our computers? Is it necessary for our children to understand the spelling rules that we acquired in school? Remember, “When -ing comes to stay, little e runs away.”

According to experts, rigorous spelling instruction dispels the misconception that spelling is random and perplexing. It’s a fallacy that English is too jumbled to understand. Sure, spelling isn’t easy, but it can be decoded once individuals understand its structure.

Why Spelling is Important ? 

  • Communication: Communication is aided by correct spelling. We can all understand the content we read if we all use the same spelling guidelines.
  • Comprehension: Confusion can be avoided by using proper spelling. In some ways, spelling is similar to sports. It is the responsibility of the person who passes the ball to ensure that the receiver really catches it. The same is true when it comes to spelling. The recipient of your text will understand it if you write with purpose and good spelling.
  • Future: Let’s face it: university applications and employment resumes with spelling mistakes don’t get very far.
  • Computer Error: We can’t rely on machines to proofread our work. Sometimes they get it wrong too. 
  • Distraction: Poor spelling causes the reader to become distracted and lose focus. It’s difficult to read a document for comprehension when it’s riddled with typos.
  • Impressions Last: When people read anything you’ve written and it’s riddled with spelling problems, it’s hardly a good first impression. We should be concerned about the critical role that proper spelling plays in our language.

Have you explored utilising sudoku puzzles with your children? Let’s have a look at some of the advantages.

Out of Box Thinking

There is no such thing as a “correct” or “one-way” technique to solve a sudoku puzzle. Kids will reason and solve these problems in a variety of methods that may be outside the box of your thinking! Every child thinks and solves problems in their own unique way.

Rationalisation Skills

Kids are given a problem to solve and are expected to think rationally about every action and decision they make. Is this going to work? Will this fit? Why do you think that is? How would this piece effect the other parts if I place it here?

Critical Thinking

When placing pieces in a sudoku puzzle, children can think critically about why a component of the puzzle will or will not function in a particular square. It assists students in making judgments and solving problems while considering future actions and deciding whether the piece they are placing in a square now will have an impact on the outcome later.

Pattern Recognition

Patterns CAN play a role in this puzzle, as they do in most others. When you look at a sudoku puzzle, you may see a trend.

Attention to Details

Kids are expected to pay close attention to every detail because if a piece is placed incorrectly early in the game, the puzzle will not be able to be solved without a mistake or a double number/picture in a row, column, or square at the end.

Math Vocabulary

Sudoku isn’t a math game, but it helps with math terminology. Pay attention to your children as they discuss how to solve their challenges. The words they use will wow you!

Memory Skills

Sudoku needs you to continually memorise puzzle pieces. You’re trying to remember what you’ve got so far and what you’ll need to finish a row, column, or square.

Brain Exercise

These puzzles are a great way to exercise your mind! Your brain is continuously focused on, calculating, concentrating, and exercising!

Focus, Concentration & Patience

For children, solving a sudoku puzzle might be a difficult chore! To solve these, they’ll need to concentrate, focus, and be patient! Many regions of the brain must focus/concentrate while using logic and reasoning to identify their next step in this activity!

Crossword puzzles aren’t only a fun way to keep your youngster occupied for sometime; they can also help them learn in unexpected ways.

  • They help with spelling: Word games can help your youngster remember spellings, especially when it comes to puzzles like crosswords, where it’s critical to spell related words correctly in order to finish the assignment.
  • They make your child work faster: Word puzzles assist youngsters increase their processing speed, allowing them to arrive to the correct solution more quickly.
  • They boost working memory: Crossword puzzles require your child to recall vocabulary and meanings, which helps to develop working memory, which can have a positive impact on learning and achievement.
  • They extend vocabulary: The more words your youngster hears and understands on a daily basis, the larger their vocabulary will become.
  • They encourage problem-solving: Children frequently believe they are incapable of solving an issue, but after solving three or four hints, they have tuned in to what is necessary.
  • They are good for competitive kids: Crossword puzzles can instil a healthy sense of competition in children and give an incentive for those who struggle to stay motivated.
  • They’re fun for the whole family: Crossword puzzles are a great way to spend quality time with your youngster on a daily basis. You’ll also be modelling a love of words, which your child will pick up on.
  • They appeal to techie kids: Crossword puzzles, whether done online or on a console, can be a creative approach to get computer-obsessed kids interested in words.
  • They help with test preparation: Many crossword puzzles assist your youngster acquire skills such as verbal reasoning, vocabulary, problem-solving, spelling, grammar, and memory that will be useful in future competitions.
  • They’re portable (& cheap): It’s an excellent tool for keeping your child entertained when you need an affordable, quiet, and portable option, such as on a lengthy travel or during wedding reception speeches.

Almost every parent finds teaching arithmetic tough at some point in their child’s life. Math worksheets are a great way to get kids to practise their math skills on a regular basis.


  • Critical Thinking: Math worksheets allow children to practise and improve their problem-solving abilities. It enhances their ability to think logically and reason creatively in order to solve a variety of difficulties. Kids may simply improve on their problem-solving skills and create confidence in themselves by practising math worksheets on a regular basis.
  • Time Management: Due to ineffective time management, certain kids frequently perform poorly in mathematics. Kids may typically master solving arithmetic problems faster and in less time if they practise with math worksheets on a regular basis. They gain confidence in mathematics by keeping up with the pace at which they complete problems.
  • Understanding Concepts: Mathematics worksheets help kids understand a variety of math ideas by gradually working through each basic subject in depth. It guarantees that each concept is thoroughly understood, allowing children to apply them in a variety of settings. Solving problems from the beginning and gradually increasing in complexity assists children to learn the fundamental principles more quickly.
  • Practice & Revision: Math worksheets are an excellent way to review basic math topics. Understanding basic math principles and patterns is also beneficial. Students recall information better when they use math worksheets to revise arithmetic during tests. It’s also a wonderful way to give them a concise overview of each topic while simultaneously reinforcing their precise math skills. Math worksheets are a solid approach for children to practise at their own speed without feeling stressed or worried about failing.
  • Focus: Math worksheets concentrate on fundamental ideas as well as more challenging issues that require more attention. Students quickly learn to focus on the important concepts of each chapter by completing these activities. Math worksheets increase a child’s math focus while they study essential concepts and problem-solving techniques in a step-by-step manner.


Why it’s Different ?

Skills & Themes Mega Combo

20+ Essential Skills

There are 2000+ activity pages divided into 20 fun skills subjects and themes.

20+ Fun Themes

Each theme has several activity types that help kids with their problem-solving skills,fine motor skills, counting, writing, and so much more.

Freebies worth Rs.798/-

FREE ! 20 Motivating Diplomas eBook Pdf (Rs.499/-)

Imagine a kid getting a star on their fist or notebooks!

Kids always get motivated after receiving compliments and recognition from other parents and teachers.

They not only like it but love it!

E-Book Bundle will provide you with a total of 20 completion certificate - one for each skill subject.

Imagine Kids flaunting about their accomplishments to family, friends and their teachers. A proud moment indeed! For you and your family!

Do tell us how you’ve been using Premium E-Book Bundle activities in your family to help other parents.

Let us know what is your kids favorite activity..?

FREE ! Precise Tracking System eBook Pdf (Rs.299/-)

Cannot track child’s performance?

Got confused?

Whether my kid has completed a particular skill subject or not?

Don’t Worry! We are there for you!

Child’s progress can be tracked by taking a print of individual tracking sheet to know what skill subjects are covered and what is undone..!

This will generate curiosity in you and your kid for the next session.

We bet on 20 curiosity stimulating themes!

Knowledge expansion and retention is what we believe in.

Progress tracking sheet for parents, and motivating reward system for kids.


Play with Alphabets

Learn Alphabet Tracing

It helps children recognize Alphabets

It helps for begginers

Improve hand-eye coordination

Learn while play

Colourful and attractive design

Knowledge expansion and retention is what we believe in.


Designed to make the entire learning experience more enjoyable for young minds.

Discover your child’s hidden talent, spot weaknesses, and track progress with our worksheets.

Help boost academic proficiency in all subjects across all grade levels

90% 0FF

Premium EBook Bundle (2000 Printable Worksheets – 20 Skills – In PDFs)

Instant & Lifetime Access to Print Anytime Anywhere out of 2000+ Quality Design Worksheets as per your kid’s requirement and save your precious Time & Money!

Order Now to unlock 1300+ Alphabet A4 Printable Worksheet For FREE

Rs. 195.00

Rs. 1999.00

Sale ends in

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  • 00


our finest product

How Premium eBook Bundle was made ?


Our team of expert parents and teachers are working hard to make sure you have the tools you need to keep your little ones building new skills and have a fun learning journey.


We are working hard to develop educational resources that make homeschooling and eLearning exciting, challenging and rewarding.


Scientifically designed with the help of our team of graphic designers to make it more attractive and fun loving for 3-6 year old kids. Designed to make the entire learning experience more enjoyable for young minds.

There are 2000+ activity pages divided into 20 fun skills subjects and themes.

Easy Steps to Follow

reduce your stress tremendously

What you need for this E- Book Bundle –

Don’t want to get these colored? Try it in grayscale as well.

Select & Print from 2000+ worksheets amongst 20+ topics or themes, based on your kid's choice.

Keep a track of child’s daily progress through progress sheet tracker.

Award them once they complete a particular skill.

Why Parents & Teachers Recommend Us ?

Instant Download

You can instantly download the Premium E-book Bundle once you complete the purchase. You also get Lifetime Access !

Quality Illustrations

The illustrations are highly based on our study, research and survey.

Live Support 24/7

In case you find any kind of problem in the entire process, you can contact us anytime. We are there for you 24/7.

1,78,000+ Downloads till date

Our Customers love us !
All the topics which are in the school syllabus are covered in these worksheets so my child can revise his learning from school. Easy way to get these worksheets, just a print out. Safe during this uncertain time. So attractive. Easy learning and focuses on creativity. My kid always asked for more and more.


My 4 year old daughter spent most of her time on television and mobile during lockdown when the schools were closed and teaching was done online. During that time I came across E-book bundle and I was so amazed seeing her spending most of the time doing the worksheets. Learning in a fun way.


My child enjoyed all the worksheets specially connect the dots, maze game, matching, coloring and much more. Since I was travelling a lot with my kid, I used to carry these worksheets along so my child does not get bored. I am a working mother as well but these worksheets didn’t require my attention.


More details















Our Mission – To offer you the best teaching aid for your kids learning from home during this uncertain time

Our Vision – To be the source for childhood learning on the internet available at lowest prices.


We are proud to support parents and teachers by providing activities that keep your students learning and growing amidst all the changes they are encountering.

Our collection of activities contains resources for subjects like Math, Language, Science and more.

Designed to promote learning through play, our products help you engage your child’s brains, boost fine motor skills and develop creativity.

We provide educational content for parents and teachers to keep kids engaged, educated and entertained.



Improvement in Attitude (Enthusiasm, Creativity and much more !)
Improvement in Skills
Improvement in Knowledge

Have questions? We got answers!

These worksheets are scientifically-designed to cater the overall skill development of kids for the age group 3 – 6 years. These worksheets help to develop more than 300 skills in kids.
E-Book Bundle is an activity based printable worksheet where kids can practice. Kids can develop and retain skills 47 times more. Find out which activities are perfect for the children you teach and save time planning fun and engaging lessons.
  • Help boost academic proficiency in all subjects across all grade levels
  • Designed to make the entire learning experience more enjoyable for young minds. 
  • Discover your child’s hidden talent, spot weaknesses, and track progress with our worksheets.
  • After practicing these worksheets, the child will have 

    • Fluent and flexible thinking,
    • Excellent reasoning skills, and 
    •  Excellent problem solving skills. 

    Your child will learn quickly with less practice and repetition.

Yes, Definitely it’s worth investing. Right now 80-100 pages QUALITY Worksheets ebook cost Rs.250 or more in India & 150-200 pages worksheets ebook costs USD 20-25 Outside India. It’s at a real bargain price if we compare with other ebooks available. 

Not necessarily. Our worksheets are designed for independent learning. 

Our team of expert parents and teachers are working hard to make sure you have the tools you need to keep your little ones building new skills and have a fun learning journey.

We are working hard to develop educational resources that make homeschooling and E-Learning Exciting, Challenging and Rewarding.

 There are 2000+ activity pages divided into 20 fun skills subjects and themes.

We accept all modes of payment including online payment including Google Pay, Netbanking, and Debit card.

Join over 2,200+ educators and parents who are used our printables and activities for their kids sent right to their inbox.

Premium E-Books Bundle is a digital product which you can instantly access once you do the payment, and print whenever you wish. 

No! All the tasks are easy and fun. As long as you’re able to print it out, you don’t need to have any additional skills.

You will get A4 sized documents for optimal printing.

Of course! It’s up to you whether you decide to print it out in color or black & white. Nevertheless, we recommend you print it out in color as your child will get more benefits and fun from it.

Once you’ve made the purchase, you will receive an email with links to download all your purchased files.

Once you’ve purchased the printables, you will be able to access all the files for unlimited time via the links sent to your email. The number of downloads per personal link is limited to prevent unlawful sharing.

Your license will cover all personal use. You can print as many copies as you like.

For educators: You can print the pages for your classroom use, or hand out printed activities as a home assignment, but you can not distribute the PDF files to parents.

If you find this resource valuable, we will be happy if you encourage parents to purchase a license for their own use through our website.

Under no circumstances are you allowed to distribute or sell the PDFs.

Furthermore, you are not allowed to alter or edit the PDF-s in any way (this includes making screenshots, etc.).


The most valuable investment we can make is in our children’s education.

When we make education a priority, we give our children opportunity.

We help parents to identify the areas they need to focus on their kids – Be it cognitive skills or fine motor skills.

We help parents with the best worksheets covering all topics in every segment.

We believe in Play, Practice & Perform well.

Give your child the best for a better tomorrow.

Give them the confidence so they can fly high.

Let our Kids
Excel In Life !

90% 0FF

Premium EBook Bundle (2000 Printable Worksheets – 20 Skills – In PDFs)

Instant & Lifetime Access to Print Anytime Anywhere out of 2000+ Quality Design Worksheets as per your kid’s requirement and save your precious Time & Money!

Order Now to unlock 1300+ Alphabet A4 Printable Worksheet For FREE

Rs. 195.00

Rs. 1999.00

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